Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Lack of Abundance and Reviews

The economic crises has impacted the country harshly, and even here in Garlic City, we can feel the effects. Many restaurants have closed, and at the same time me and Chuy have had to cut back on our respective budgets, generating less food reviews. Going out to catch a movie has also slid down on the priority list, so less movie reviews as well. Luckily there are still the free public libraries, (though we are sorely in need of a new one here in Gilroy), and many book reviews are forthcoming.

All in all, our slacking off on writing new reviews has finally met its match in the diminishing opportunities to write new ones. It has whetted my appetite however, to generate new material now that the material is hard to come by. Such is life, taking for granted what we have, wanting it all the more when it is gone. So Chuy, my friend, here are my thoughts:

This year, 2009, let's go forward writing, always writing, sparse material be damned! Let's write through these tough times, and maybe we'll become tough enough to continue to write, even when the economy becomes as abundant as the Garlic in the air, and smelling success becomes all we want to do.

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