Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ramblin' On

I recently updated our blog layout here at the GCR, and please explore. There isn't much new content yet (I'm still waiting for Chuy's computer to resolve it's issues and let him post), but this is a work in progress, so we'll proceed to progress I promise. So either the next post will be from Chuy with some insightful and entertaining review I'm sure, or maybe I'll beat him to another review. I can ramble on for quite some time. Kinda like I'm doing now. So, look around, and hey, feel free to leave a comment and let us know what you think.

Monday, April 16, 2007

G-City Review Kick-Off

So this is the kick-off of the Garlic City Review. Why do this? To speak our minds, voice our opinions, and let others know what we think about everything from the important issues to what may be perhaps nonsense. Who's to say? Plus we're bored. We spend enough time talking to each other about all this stuff, so much time that we're starting to repeat ourselves. It's time you get in on the action, and hear what may be considered by some pearls of wisdom, if by others the ramblings of madmen. You know, sharing the love. Or maybe the pain. That said, prepare yourselves for what may be almost slightly more than your average blog page experience...
You may actually visit us again!